• Global solar dominance in sight as science trumps fossil fuels : Solar power will slowly squeeze the revenues of perto- rentier regimes in Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. They will have to find a new business model, or fade into decline: Read more here:( April 2014) 


  • German Renewable Electricity Consumption hits record high 25.4 percent in 2013: Read more here: ( April 2014)  



  • Australian network operators ready to ditch the pole and wires: The falling cost of solar, and the anticipated falls in the cost of storage is making this possible. Read more here: ( April 2014) 


  • Margaret River Winery Taps into solar power with Sunpower Panels: We sell and support Sunpower panels: Read more here: ( April 2014) 


  • Rooftop solar may be the sleeping giant of Australian politics: The Greens have launched a new campaign to make rooftop solar a key election issue in the Victorian state poll later this year, describing it as a potential “sleeping giant” in Australian politics: Read more here: ( April 2014)



  • Yingli retains top spot: Yingli Green Energy, the global leader in crystalline module manufacturing in 2012, has retained its top position in 2013 after producing 9.4% of the world’s crystalline modules in the same year, according to new figures released by research and consulting firm GlobalData. Read more here: (April 2014)



  • UK Solar strategy favours Commercial roof tops instead of solar farms: Is it a strategy that could work for Australia? Read more here: ( April 10th 2014)


  • RWE, the German utility known for its reliance on large lignite, coal and nuclear power stations, and its high CO2 emissions, is undergoing a fundamental transformation. RWE will put solar panels on your roof, a battery in your shed, a heat pump in your cellar, and we will also manage this complex energy system for you. Read more here: ( April 2014)


  • Arvizu: Why the current energy system is unsustainable: But he notes, it is important that the new model be integrated with the old, in other words, the best of distributed generation must be merged with the best bits of the old centralized model. Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Japan launched new campaign to fight climate change: Reports said the IPCC will stress that the Earths warming trend is almost certainly caused by humans, but that it can still be eased if steps are taken by all of us: Do your part, invest in a solar energy system to reduce your carbon footprint. Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Apple, Facebook, Google Web Data Centers getting Greener: Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Energy Efficiency Programs a big factor in reduction of electricity consumption:  “The hypothesis is that the political attention being paid to electricity prices led consumers to pay more attention than they had previously done to their expenditure on electricity: Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Ex White house Advisor rebukes Australia on climate policy: One of the US President Barack Obama’s key advisors on climate change has lambasted Australia for its backflip on climate change policies and its decision to not send a minister to key international climate talks last year.  Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Australia's lousy energy production: Why is lags the world: He says that much of the $45 billion invested in network infrastructure over the last five years could have been avoided if utilities had “properly understood” customer needs. This would have resulted in lower consumer energy billsRead more here: (April 2014)


  • Climate Programs do work: Starting to pay off in California: Read more here:  (April 2014)


  • Solar Energy is the Mother Load: The Sun is the Mother of our gigantic energy supplies: Read more here: (April 2014)


  • Solar Power Advantages: Investing in solar will save you lots of money: Read more here: (April 2014)


  • The New 400ppm World: The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached 400 parts per million for the first time in human history at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii in May last year. That same level has been reached again in the last few days. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in air is very very real: Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Why the fossil fuel industry wants us to ignore the risks:The report, released in Japan today following years of work and review by several thousand scientists, and a huge influx – a near doubling – of new evidence, introduces a new element to the way the issues is addressed: the management of risk.  Read more here:  ( March 2014)


  • The Great Australian Electricity Rip Off: The Australian public is being duped and constantly lied to on a monumental scale when it come to electricity: Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Latest news flash: Important: Beware of discount companies with rock bottom pricing: they wont be around for the long term: Read more here:  ( March 2014)


  • Panel reliability more important than cost say solar customers: Beware of buying cheap and nasty as they will have reliability issues: Choose wisely: Ask us about quality products. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Citigroup says " The Age of Renewables Has Begun" :saying that solar and wind energy are getting competitive with natural gas peaking and baseload plants : Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Honda Smart home , the way of the future: Honda has built a demonstration smart home in California that promises to generate more energy than its occupants will use. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • ExxonMobil acknowledges climate change to shareholders: “The largest companies in the world are taking a more active, aggressive role than ever in wanting to profit from clean energy,” said Dallas Kachan in an interview earlier this year. Maybe sometime not too far away, we will all be taking our EVs to the ExxonMobil solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations. Do your part to reduce climate warming, invest in solar energy ,talk to us now: Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Building the electricity system of the future: Innovative energy solutions will proliferateRead more here: (March 2014)


  • Are Australian solar households getting ripped off by the Utilities and Retailers?  Households in Australia adding solar PV arrays to their rooftops have an important question to ask themselves: Are they getting a fair deal from their local utility for the solar power that they export back to the grid? Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Its about an energy reduction strategy and not about feed in tariffs now for new entrants into the solar market: Get used to that.  Almost five million Australians have benefited from policies that support solar energy. They responded in droves to incentives, installed 3GW of rooftop solar and invested billions of dollars in an unprecedented public investment in distributed generation. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Google launches worlds largest solar energy project: Ivanpah Solar Electric: Google has invested more than $1 billion in renewable energy, including $400 million in the last year alone, with a particular focus on solar. Their latest effort is a $168 million investment in the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating StationRead more here: ( March 2014)


  • Network Operator in South Australia says solar systems helped shift peak demand during the hot weather: Solar Energy systems are the best investment to reduce your costs. The operator of South Australia’s electricity distribution network says rooftop solar PV played important role in protecting networks in recent heatwave and has shifted the peak of demand by several hours into the early evening. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Yingli completes 1MW World Cup Solar installation:  Chinese solar giants Yingli Green Energy has supplied 1 MW of solar panels for a PV installation at the Arena Pernambuco in Brazil, site of at least five 2014 FIFA World Cup soccer matches this summer. Read more: ( March 2014)


  • Minister says solar has a strong outlook: “Solar technology is providing households with greater autonomy in managing their energy needs and is helping reduce our State’s reliance on traditional energy sources. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Climate risks as certain as smoking causes lung cancer:  US scientists say evidence the world is warming is as conclusive as the link between smoking and lung cancer - marking an unusual policy intervention from academia. Read more here: ( March 2014)


Market Decides Bigger Solar is better: Based on falling equipment costs and the rising costs of electricity bills: Shrinking cost differentials have made bigger systems more tempting for customers, meaning the fall away of feed-in tariffs is not translating to a system size retreat. In fact the average system is up almost a kilowatt on last year. Read more here: ( March 2014)


  • Carbon Crash - Solar Dawn - its coming so don't be fooled: I think it’s time to call it. Renewables and associated storage, transport and digital technologies are so rapidly disrupting whole industries’ business models they are pushing the fossil fuel industry towards inevitable collapse. Read more here: ( March 2014)



Solar panel quality is increasing dropping particularly with lower cost panels, we recommend Yingli and Trina Solar with micro inverters, world leaders with quality to match.


Breakthrough in solar efficiency by UNSW team ahead of its time (May 6 2013)

Read article: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/breakthrough-in-solar-efficiency-by-unsw-team-ahead-of-its-time-20130505-2j117.html


Look up: 'Our future is in a solar power plant in space' (April 16 2013)

Read article: http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/our-futures-in-space-solar-panel/1831009/


Australia makes its first solar power million (April 5 2013)

Read article: http://www.cleanenergycouncil.org.au/mediaevents/media-releases/April-2013/130405-Million-solar-rooftops.html.html


Bluesfest Creates Solar Buzz (March 30 2013)

Read article: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-30/solar-blues/4601914


Australian Sunshine Illuminates The Path Toward Massive Solar PV Growth (March 17 2013)

Read article: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/03/17/1716991/australian-sunshine-illuminates-the-path-toward-massive-solar-pv-growth/


Solar panel take-up heads towards the millionth home (October 2012)


Solar Panels for Every Home - NY Times


Silver City Becomes Solar City

Read article: http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2012/06/09/3521811.htm

Read up on international daily solar energy news HERE